Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Niko’s Story

Niko’s passion for rollerblading began at a young age, quickly becoming a daily after-school activity. As he grew older, he connected with a community of rollerbladers, forming close friendships. However, an injury forced him away from the sport and his friends, leading to a challenging two and a half years of intermittent recovery efforts and bouts of depression.

Upon seeking care at Willow Chiropractic, Niko’s journey took a positive turn. He had long searched for the cause of his ailment, and the first session at Willow was a revelation. The focus of his treatment was on ensuring his spinal health was optimal, allowing his body to heal itself. Despite his initial complaint being in his ankle, the treatment centred on his back and neck.

The results have been remarkable. Niko has returned to rollerblading, his primary goal, and has regained hope and enthusiasm for the sport. His recovery continues, but each session brings noticeable improvements, strengthening his body’s communication and enhancing his overall well-being. The first time he put on his skates after a year off was euphoric, highlighting the mental and physical benefits of his treatment. Through gradual progress, Niko’s confidence in his abilities and future in rollerblading has been restored.

Treated for Back Injury at our Bedminster clinic by Dr Sarah

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